Today our hero is on an errand for a co-worker at the cell phone store. Hero's co-worker was involved in a motorcycle accident over the weekend and has twisted his ankle. Our hero is at a grocery store buying Epsom Salt and a bag of ice and he is next in line at the check out counter. Token small talk with the clerk bores him so he decides to construe a ruse.
Clerk: What's the ice for?
Hero: I'm a volunteer for the Donor Organ Recovery Unit at the local hospital and I'm working right now, so I don't have time to deliver the kidney and the pair of eyes that I have out in the car so I'm putting them on ice in the refrigerator at work until I get off.
Clerk: Uh.....Oh......Ok.
Hero: Yep...Yep,yep. (hero laughs inside his head)
You couldn't afford the ticket for that ride. Besides, there is a slight echo.
It would be like EDtv over here if I recorded everything I said. Hmmmmm! That one was pretty good.......
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