OOOOoooooh, I am burden with this evil genius. OOOOoooooh, how I see the most innocent of ideas and twist them in my head. OOOOooooooh, how even the blind are not immune from the comedic poison that flows through my mind like Katrina over a levee. Ok, enough!
Check this link. It's a museum for the blind. Basically, everything in the museum is up for grabs, so to speak. The blind are allowed to touch the pieces of art which allows them to "see" them with their hands. Now, my mind has been overloaded with possible pranks and I grow weary of indulging them in my head, so I will speculate on a faux pas that surely must be a daily occurrence:
- Statue of David mishap
curator: Welcome madam, I hope you enjoy .............WHOA!!!!! MADAM, THE STATUES ARE DOWN THE HALL!
P.S. Ten points to anyone who can put the headshot from my bio on the statue from the link above.
10 minutes later.....................................we have a winner!
hey, you have a great blog here.. I really like reading it... however the pictures of your face really scare my daughter... so I can't read it as much as I would like. could you email me when you are working from hom and let me know when those pictures have been removed? My daughter would love to be able to sleep at night.
Thank you
Chris, if your daughter can adapt to that scarry mug that adorns your every post then surely there is hope me.
Adrian, you suck!
Sorry, all I'm feeling a little bit rowdy. Adrian still sucks. Spam somewhere else, brain dead!
YOU ARE EVIL! I like it.
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